Download Elytra Models Texture Pack for MCPE to get a really cool exciting elytra pack! This elytra models with completely change the entire game. You can roleplay your own toy story to become a dragon, by dragon, I mean ender dragon! It is funny to change into everything you want. In the Elytra Models Texture Pack for MCPE 1.21.50, the super pack is added. The villain elytra models are amazing and this adds 9 new elytra models. And another thing in this pack is 19 more elytra models.
So in total, 28 new elytra models! This texture pack is simply awesome and I love to play it. When you have a survival mode, then it’s working properly. In the end, you should definitely try out the Elytra Models Texture Pack for Minecraft PE 1.21.50.
- Over 28 new elytra models!
Supported Platforms:
- Android
- iOS
- Windows 10 & 11
- Consoles (XBOX & PlayStation)
How To Install Elytra Models Texture Pack for MCPE 1.21.50
- Download the Texture Pack from the links down below.
- Find the .mcpack file.
- Click on it (It will start importing into MCPE).
- Go to Settings -> Global Resources -> My Packs.
- In here you can see Elytra, click on it and hit activate.
- Make sure it is in the “Active” Tab.
- Go to the menu hit play and enjoy!