Download Sylum Shader for MCPE to get a change of gameplay, the tone of the blocks are totally different. The new sky render and new cloud render is absolutely amazing, I love it! The game looks totally different now and the realistic shadows are amazing. Overall the Sylum Shader for MCPE 1.21.50 is pretty good.
- New sky render & cloud render
Supported Platforms:
- Android
- iOS
- Windows 10 & 11
- Consoles (XBOX & PlayStation)
How To Install Sylum Shader for MCPE 1.21.50
- Download the Shader from the links down below.
- Find the .mcpack file.
- Click on it (It will start importing into MCPE).
- Go to Settings -> Global Resources -> My Packs.
- In here you can see Sylum Shader, click on it and hit activate.
- Make sure it is in the “Active” Tab.
- Go to the menu hit play and enjoy!