Download Blue Topia Map for MCPE to get the huge city map! This is definitely the best city map in the MCPE! You will see over 450 different buildings like railway system, amusement park and more! BlueTopia is just a shortcut, you can also call it Blue City. It is a Hong Kong and New York combined together. It is being still the biggest city map. I believe that it was definitely super hard to build. There are so much stuff to do in this world, just explore and you will love it as much as I do! Let’s get straight into this tutorial, scroll down and you will see everything.
- Biggest City Map
- Over 400 Buildings
Supported Platforms:
- Android
- iOS
- Windows 10 & 11
- Consoles (XBOX & PlayStation)
Creator: Brian Ching
How To Install Blue Topia Map for MCPE 1.21.50
- Download the Map from the link down below.
- Find the .mcpack file.
- Click on it (It will start importing into MCPE).
- Go to Play.
- In here you can see Blue Topia Map.
- Click on the Map and hit Play.
- Enjoy!