Download Ultra Realismo Shader for MCPE to get realistic graphics! Based on the abandoned Mojang Super Duper Graphics Pack project, which is only compatible with PCs and phones, it has returned and is now more realistic in an effort to enhance the graphics for a better gaming experience.
There are many cool features in this shader like rain effect or colorful world. You will absolutely love the water waves as it looks super realistic. If you want a great graphics, then you definitely need Ultra Realismo Shader for MCPE 1.21.51.
- Ultra realistic graphics
- Rain effect
- Realistic Water
Supported Platforms:
- Android
- iOS
- Windows 10 & 11
- Consoles (XBOX & PlayStation)
Creator: Ale Graphics
How To Install Ultra Realismo Shader for MCPE 1.21.51
- Download the Shader from the links down below.
- Find the .mcpack file.
- Click on it (It will start importing into MCPE).
- Go to Settings -> Global Resources -> My Packs.
- In here you can see Ultra Realismo, click on it and hit activate.
- Make sure it is in the “Active” Tab.
- Go to the menu hit play and enjoy!